
Osteoporosis Is A Disease That Decreases Bone Mass And Strength And Causes Bones

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Osteoporosis is a disease that decreases bone mass and strength and causes bones to become fragile. Osteoporosis affects almost 10 million individuals in the United States, but only a small proportion are diagnosed and treated (Lindsay & Cosman, para.1). In the early 19th century, Astley Cooper recognized the link between fractures and bone density reduction due to aging. French pathologist, Jean Lobstein, was the first person to name the disease and describe the pathological appearance and condition of osteoporosis (Who Discovered Osteoporosis, para.3). The term osteoporosis was derived from the Greek word osteon meaning bone and poros meaning passage or pore.

Osteoporosis occurs when bone resorption exceeds bone deposition. Bone is …show more content…

Osteoporosis is often called “the silent disease” because there are no symptoms in the early stages of bone loss. As time progresses, the bones become weak and common signs and symptoms may include loss of height, bone fracture, back pain, a stooped posture, and a humped back known as dowager’s hump or kyphosis. Most people do not know that they have osteoporosis until they have a sudden bump, strain or fall that causes a bone to fracture (Lewis, p.1635). The most common type of fracture occurs in the bones of the vertebrae, forearm, femoral neck, and proximal humerus. Differential diagnosis for osteoporosis include osteoarthritis, osteomalacia or rickets, inadequate mineralization of existing bone matrix (osteoid), multiple myeloma, metastatic cancer, paget disease of bone, renal osteodystrophy (Papadakis & McPhee, para.2).

There are several tests that are done to diagnose osteoporosis which are done through laboratory tests and imaging studies. When being diagnosed with the disease, people are first asked about their medical history by a healthcare provider. A physical examination may also be done by the healthcare provider by measuring any height loss or examining the spine. Laboratory tests help identify possible causes of bone loss by blood and urine tests. Blood tests measure levels of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, testosterone, thyroid function, parathyroid hormone, the enzyme alkaline phosphatase, liver and kidney function. Urine tests also measure

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