
Our World Is Increasingly Being Taken Over By Workaholics.

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Our world is increasingly being taken over by workaholics. The United Sates has been the leader in very demanding work schedules for decades now. Furthermore, at least eighteen percent of people work sixty or more hours a week in the United States (Cohen). One of the stimulus that sparked my topic was “The Myth of Sisyphus,” by Albert Camus. It connects to my research because it talks about how Sisyphus was condemned to ever lasting torment and despair knowing he was doing a lot of futile labor. This labor caused him to have thoughts of suicide because he saw his destiny and did not see the point of life. Another stimulus I used was “Long working hours and cancer risk: a multi-cohort study.” It shows how working long hours is linked to …show more content…

Those who worked more than eighty hours a week increased their risk of coronary heart disease by ninety-four percent. The increased risk found in the study may be due to distorted sleeping and eating habits. When workers spend too much time in the office, they often choose fast food establishments over cooking their own healthy, nutritious meals for dinner (Cohen). Furthermore, people who work long hours usually do not exercise often. The Australian Diabetes, Obesity, and Lifestyle Study found that people who have a high sedentary lifestyle have a 112 percent increase risk of Type 2 diabetes (Bixby). Another study showed that people who sit for more than twenty-five hours a week have an increased risk in developing metabolic risk factors, such as bad cholesterol and insulin resistance (Washington Post). On average, a person sitting for too long is likely to burn fifty less calories. Burning less calories, in addition to the six pounds gained from consuming a multitude of office snacks, can have a detrimental effect on an individual’s health (Bixby). Working long hours can have an effect on child bearing women. It causes increased stress from the conflicts of working long hours on family life. As a result, there is an increased risk of spontaneous abortion, low birth weight, and prematurity (Harrington). Women who experienced threatened abortion or preterm birth had longer weekly working hours during

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