
Outcome Based Practice

Decent Essays

Outcome based practice, is defined by the Scottish Government as “an outcomes-based approach encourages us all to focus on the differences that we make and not just the input or processes over which we have control” (Scottish Government 2011). In 2011, the English Government launched is first framework of outcomes for adult health and social care. Within this framework, they stated “set of outcomes measures which have been agreed to be of value, both nationally and locally for demonstrating the achievements of adult social care”. The Social Care Institute for Excellence define ‘outcomes’ as follows:
“Outcomes are defined as the impact, or end-results, of services on a person’s life; therefore outcomes-focused …show more content…

Friedman makes a clear difference between responsibility and accountability for a population group as a whole which he calls Population Accountability and responsibility for outcomes for a defined customer group which he calls Performance Accountability. Population accountability is both overarching and collaborative in nature and responsibility

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