
Outline Your Role As A Literacy Coach Essay

Decent Essays

As a new literacy coach at a middle and high school level, it is important to first outline your role as the literacy coach. The first things I would do is communicate with the teachers across those grade levels. I would have a meeting with those teachers that clearly outlines my roles and responsibilities as the literacy coach. This will help the teachers to understand what I will be doing and the process in which I will be completing observations and coaching. During this meeting, I would be sure to capture the attention of the teachers in order to make them feel engaged in the process. I would also discuss their role in the professional development and open the meeting up to discuss any concerns or feedback they may have. It will also …show more content…

I plan to implement needs-based activities that are identified by student data and teacher surveys. After gathering this data, I would hold separate professional development sessions for the different schools. The middle school teachers would work in groups while the high school teachers worked in groups. The two different groups described have many different contents and their topics vary greatly which is why I chose to hold separate sessions for each group. However, I believe that all of the groups would benefit from the introduction of new strategies in vocabulary development. Implementing vocabulary strategies to help improve student content knowledge would show great success in increasing student comprehension within these subjects. In order to make this process as manageable and effective as possible, the strategies would be presented by a veteran teacher in conjunction with the instructional coach to engage all faculty. Each session would be short and involve one to two easy to implement strategies. I feel it would be effective as the literacy coach to show the upside to each strategy. Using data from the veteran, “expert”, faculty member’s class, I would provide statistics that show results of each

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