Overcome Impotence
Imagine being able to perform without having to take a pill in advance. Unexpected sexual encounters and longer lasting experiences could be yours through hypnosis. An estimated 30 million men deal with impotence at some point in their life. Although this is a normal condition to have, it can be frustrating and embarrassing while it lasts.
Have you ever been afraid to go home after a date?
Do you start having sex only to find out that you cannot finish?
Is it difficult for you to maintain an erection?
Whether you want to feel confident on a date or just plan out a romantic evening with your wife, impotence can be a major problem. After initially experiencing erectile dysfunction problems, you may become worried or afraid
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Initially, getting a medical check up can rule out cardiovascular or blood pressure issues that could be causing the impotence. If an underlying condition is not at fault, then the problem is primarily within your mind. The good news is that the mental aspect of impotence can be treated.
Hypnosis can help you gain the confidence that you need to perform well in the bedroom. The Overcome Hypnosis download is designed to give you the boost of self-esteem and confidence that you need to be relaxed when you are with someone. It can help to reduce the stress that is causing your performance issues. By limiting stress and boosting your confidence, hypnosis improves your sexual abilities. As you enjoy one positive encounter after another, the new self-confidence will become an ingrained part of your mental make up.
In the past, you may have had sexual issues like pain, problems reaching an orgasm, issues maintain an erection or difficulty remaining aroused. Whatever the symptoms, hypnosis can help you to recover. Hypnosis is made to replace the negative thoughts that you have about sexual dysfunction with positive affirmations. This new attitude gradually becomes a habit for your mind that helps to revolutionize every part of your sexual
At our center, we are able to help with a variety of issues. Hypnosis has been proven extremely effective at pain management, overcoming phobias, alleviating depression and treating PTSD. Our sessions can be used for goals and obstacles like sleep enhancement, creative blocs, self-esteem, negative self-talk, peak performance, stress relief, improved test taking, stammering, substance abuse and relationship enhancement. From moving on after a break up to increasing your spiritual awareness, hypnosis can help. You can check out our list of sessions available or contact us for information about customized session goals.
Hypnosis is a natural psychological state of consciousness similar to a sleep state where the subject is vaguely aware of their surroundings. In this condition, subjects enter a tranquil state that allows them to easily reach into their subconscious and readily react to suggestion. While hypnosis has been widely used for entertainment purposes, it can also be used in a clinical setting to help relax the body and promote health through decreased heart rate and slowed breathing.
Traditional hypnotherapy is a powerful tool and can help eliminate fear and negative emotions, can help winnow out all sorts of pains and painful feelings, can help remove addictions and unwanted behaviors or habits, can help increase confidence and self-esteem, and help you to be the person you always desired to be.
With a potential total of 150M men worldwide (30M in the United States alone) suffering from medical Erectile Dysfunction, there is a wide range of factors identified as the potential causes:
Hypnosis is used for a wide range of problems; weight loss, smoking, stress and phobias to name but
Hypnosis can also help to rewire your self-talk. Your mind creates constant chatter throughout the day. When you feel anxiety, your self-talk is negative. It keeps you from doing your best. To tee off your best, you have to change this mental self-talk. Hypnosis helps to change your confidence and self-esteem. You think that you can do anything. This new attitude makes the impossible
The most prominent impotency medications are Viagra, Cialis and Levtra—works by hindering this potency destroyer substance.
Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness in which a person is susceptible to suggestion. In general "Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique in which clinicians make suggestions to individuals who have undergone a procedure designed to relax them and focus their minds"(Hypnosis). There is a lot of misconception regarding hypnosis, for example, many people believe that the hypnotized person has not control over their actions and that hypnotized person is acting involuntary, but this is entirely false. Although hypnosis a controversial tool, especially when used in therapy to recover repressed memories it can be an effective therapeutic technique for a broad range of conditions, like anxiety and mood disorders. Hypnosis can also help people
Firstly, age is a valuable dimension due to the strong positive correlation to erectile dysfunction (ED) incidence. Secondly, as shown in the demographic data presented by Lilly ICOS, most men who suffer from ED are either married or living together with their partner. Being the influence of the spouse one of the
Hypnosis, also known as hypnotherapy or hypnotic suggestion, consists of a state of trance in which a center of attention and a more intense concentration is experienced. Hypnosis is usually performed with the help of a therapist who uses verbal repetition and mental images. When a person is under the effects of hypnosis, they usually feel calm and relaxed, and are more willing to receive suggestions. Hypnosis can be used to help people control unwanted behaviors or to help them cope better with anxiety or pain. Contrary to what many people believe, although people will be more willing to receive suggestions during hypnosis, they will not lose control of their behavior.
Hypnosis (hypnotherapy) is “a form of complementary therapy that the old power of positive suggestion to bring about sub-conscious change to our thoughts, feelings and behavior. The process itself aims to alter our state of consciousness in a way that relaxes the conscious part of the mind while simultaneously stimulating and focusing the subconscious part. This heightened state of awareness to reached using skilled relaxation techniques and allows the therapist to then make appropriate suggestions” (Smith,2011, p.11).
Erectile dysfunction refers to a condition in which a patient is 1) completely unable to achieve an erection; 2) frequently unable to achieve an erection; 3) able to achieve an erection but unable to maintain it. (http://www.urologychannel.com/erectiledysfunction/index.shtml) There can be many reasons for erectile dysfunction, ranging from purely physiological issues to psychological problems.
Discuss the problem with your partner. A problem shared is easier to solve. For example, it is possible that your partner put pressure on you to "get performance". Talking about this issue can relax the pressure and you will be able to get an erection.
Impotence is defined as "male erectile dysfunction, that is, the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance." (1)
Sex drive and weak erection problems can be influenced by many factors some always not so obvious, and can be just a result of aging, or other biological causes that cannot really be avoided. These can be remedied by taking some male enhancement pills and help the man achieve greater sexual satisfaction. It is not surprising then that men who wish to try these products do so with increased hope that they can be cured of their sexual ailments and woes, and with impressive and unexpected results surpassing their