
Overcoming Barriers To Communication

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A description of potential barriers to communication with service users in the chosen setting and an assessment of how these can be overcome
One of the barriers to effective communication that I observed was Sensory Impairments. An individual may already have a sight impairment, and suddenly or gradually lose another sense. It could be related to a specific genetic condition from birth, or as a result of an illness or accident. Due to their changed circumstances, a person’s sight or hearing loss will mean making lifestyle adjustments, such as in how they communicate, find and use information, or get around. In my school, this barrier was overcome in a number of different ways. Teachers would identify themselves (you shouldn’t assume that the person will recognise you by your voice), they spoke naturally and clearly, they also continued to use body language. This will affect the tone of your voice and give a lot of extra information to the person who is visually impaired, they didn’t avoid using words like "see" or "look" or talking about everyday activities such as watching TV or videos, they named the person when introducing themselves or when directing conversation to them in a group situation, they never channelled conversation through a third person, in a group situation, they introduced the other people present, they never left a conversation with a person without saying so, they used accurate and specific language when giving directions. For example, "the door is on

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