HV Date: 13.05.2017 Project Category: WISE Community Mental Health - PHaMs. Support Description: N/A Session: N/A Information and Reminders: P/C from Dona principle of Blouson learning centre. Dona informed the writer that few weeks ago Hayley and her three kids had a car accident. Out of the three Rubeen was the one who got servery damage, as he was in Hayley arms when the accident occurred. Rubben suffered brain and spine fracture, has meningitis and is in coma and Hailey has been visiting him almost every date. However, her main concerned is Allagie as he has been attending child care during normal and after hours since that accident, and Hailey has not showed any interest on his wellbeing (she has not calling to ask how he is going or
Today, MSC visited Maria at her residence for a face to face visit. When MSC walked in Maria was having a snack at the table. Maria waved and greeted her staff. MSC said, Hello, How are you?" She stated that she needs to talk to MSC in private after she finishes her food. MSC spoke wither Medical Direct Care Counselor Marie Rose. She stated that Maria has been doing good. He is cooperative at times, but requires redirection. Maria stated that she is medically stable and her behavior has improved over the past few months. She is communicates her wants and needs effectively. Maris continues to go to all of her medical appointments and enjoys attending program. Maria goes on all community inclusions and makes suggestions on places she would like to go. She struggles with balancing money, staff continues to assist her in budgeting.
S: YMR stated that she had been living with her mother about one year, has is a newcomer. YMR lived with her maternal grandmother for many years back in her country. YMR stated that when she arrived to the U.S., she found out that her mother was pregnant, She shared that her mother did not want to tell her because she did not know how the client was going to react. YMR stated that she was happy because her mother had had four miscarries before. YMR explained that almost at the same time that she started living with her mother, the mother's partner and father of the child that her mother was going to have moved into her home. YMR stated that her mom used to work from 6am-12pm and the YMR spent a lot of time with her mother's partner. YMR stated that this man has
Shereflected on her family especially her younger brother. She discussed about her wish to look after him and provide support and guidance. At the same time, she expressed a sense of struggle with a feeling that she is not able to provide everything that her brother needs. She noticed that her brother reminds her of her own needs growing up.
Despite being extremely sick, J’s mother is active in her life and beyond supportive in everything she does. Because J’s mother is not able to keep a constant flow of income into the house because of her sickness, they currently live in subsidized housing and receives assistants from the government in the form of food stamps and cash assistance. J’s brother who is currently enrolled in the Salem High School is also extremely supportive of her. He is helpful in all the ways he can be. Her brother is definitely someone she can look up to. J does not have much communication with her father who lives in New York but is very close with a sister who is married. Her sister and brother in law come over a lot of take care of J. The rest of J’s extended family still lives in Puerto Rico, which causes the family to be very isolated. They very much so rely on each other for everything.
There is no outward display of affection. She “was not a mother/woman.” The children take care of themselves with some help from a nurse.
When the story first begins, the father pleads with the mother to let him see Christina and Stella once again. Although he makes the effort to reach out he attempts to take the easy way out by asking the mother if she would talk to the girls first, making things easier for him: "'Talk it over with them,' she finally said. 'They'll eat me alive if you don't talk to them first'" (Michalopoulou, 76). The reader finds out that he has been watching the girls frequently from a distance outside of their school. He has many opportunities to approach them but chooses not to therefore letting even more time pass by. He uses the excuse that he does not have an "explanation" for them as the reason for not approaching them. He knows that they will not excuse what he did so, in other words, he needs an excuse for when he sees them.
While at the hospital, she had flashbacks of the whole ordeal, and her professor asking her to have sex with him again. She also had sex with a guy name Toby. She met Toby at a party and they had sex the same night. Than one day when Toby came to visit Susanna at the hospital, they had sex and then she tried to have sex with a guy name John who works at the hospital. At times she felt guilty and regretful. At the hospital she met a girl name Lisa who was a sociopath. Lisa was a trouble maker, on numerous occasions she escaped and came back. So one time Lisa and Susanna decided to escape and met a girl name Daisy, who was a former patient at the hospital. While at Daisy’s place, Lisa was blunt about what she thought of Daisy, which caused Daisy to commit suicide. Susanna felt, she could have possibly saved Daisy’s life, if she had stopped Lisa from criticizing Daisy’s way of living. She tried to blame her self for the Daisy’s death.
“I told you sweetie, she is in a better place right now. She won’t be coming home.” She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. “That’s not fair! Why would he leave us?” “It wasn’t her fault baby girl,” I say tearing up. “I WANT TO SEE HER NOW!” Amelia starts screaming. “You can’t see her!” I shout back.
William, Rachel’s three year old son is crying standing over her as she is slowly regaining consciousness. Her boyfriend, Daniel, was gone; their bedroom door was left cracked open and Rachel was on the couch in their room. Pained around her neck from where he choked her, she tries to wrap her head around how she got to this point. Why does Daniel hate her? What did she do this time? Can she, should she, just leave with William? Rachel realizes she has to get out of the house before Daniel gets back. When she arrives at her mother’s house, her mom is alarmed. Rachel has bruises around her neck and marks around her hairline. Rachel’s mother tells her “You come here every week and you go back to that monster every week. I see these bruises but you must not feel they are a problem since you keep going back to him.” Rachel’s mom walks out of the room frustrated.
In conclusion, Helen had gone through a lot of difficulties after her husband's death. She no doubt was confused herself and couldn’t take step at right time. Helen shows in the beginning that she really care about her children but later on she ignores them and always used to think about Cal. She always
the reader to interpret what may have happened to the mother, and how it affects the relationship
She became aware of the difficulties between the parents when her daughter called her. Ms. Saunders reported that her daughter was teaching and became pregnant and needed bed rest. There was a lot of pressure for her to go to work.
Tan feels rather embarrassed by the way her mother handles the situation. Having to speak for her mother embarrassed Tan immensely. This anecdote helps support Tan’s feelings about her mother's english. Another time when an anecdote is used in the essay is when Tan mentions the story of her mother going to the doctor. Ridiculed and treated as though she was not important Tan’s mother endures this behavior due to her language barrier. Embarrassed by her mother's persistence,Tan is called by the doctor. This is shown when the essays reads, “ She said they did not seem to have any sympathy when she told them she was anxious to know the exact diagnosis, since her husband and son had both died of brain tumors. She said they would not give her anymore information until the next time and she would have to make another appointment for that” (Tan). In this part of the essay Tan has sympathy towards her mother. Slightly embarrassed by her mother's persistence, she knows the CAT scan is important news to her mother. The treatment of her mother is inappropriate and uncalled
Today during 3rd period Lauren asked if she could come to my office, and her teacher allowed her to do so. Lauren explained to me what has taken place with her family and that she was concerned about her mom, because she saw her work hard to take care of her and her younger brothers and sister.
Tan had wrote the piece in a highly critical or upset tone. Tan never expressed aggression towards her mother's troubles and moved on. During her mothers problems troubles at the doctors she mentions “She did not seem to have any sympathy when she told them she was anxious to know the exact diagnosis, since her husband and son have both died of brain tumors” (Tan 1014). Tan brought up how the doctor had little care for her mother not in an aggressive manner but one of a disheartened or upsetting mood. Another example of Tan showing a disheartened tone was when describing how her mothers broken english was limiting her potential in the literacy field. “Asian-American students whose english in the home might also be described as ‘Broken’ or ‘Limited.’ And perhaps they also have teachers who are steering them away from writing and into math and science, which is what happened to me” (Tan 1015). Tan describes 2 separate problems caused by mother’s broken english to americans that were serious issues and only resolved when Tan would speak her english for her mother. She described in a more disheartened tone to match that of the reader. Reading about her troubles would touch the readers heart in a soft or upset mannar rather than being angry and likely drawing readers to not believer her