
PHD Personal Statement

Decent Essays

A year ago the Harvard Business School Executive Education programs dominated my thoughts. Somehow thanks to Google, data mining, and a few powers at be, an ad popped up about the Harvard Extension School. Naturally I clicked on it and was astonished by what was available. A Finance degree, that sounds like a path to grow my business. However, my love for science cajoled me to take a look at what was then the environment science sustainability program. Not only could I take some management classes to fulfill my degree requirement, but also I could extend my financial analyses to include social and environment impacts. Moreover, in my daily reading of the Bible, I came across a verse: And the work of righteousness shall be peace; And the …show more content…

By age thirty I want to lay the foundation for electric cars and solar energy to meet the global energy consumption requirements. My love for basketball has driven me to want to create some analytical tools to streamline players’ ability to improve their performance. At thirty-five, my triple A videogame will inspire people to not only enjoy life but to see the beauty in everything. Many people are sick and struggling so by age forty, I have to make a major contribution to the medical field. I am starting to get a little older now so I want to share my experiences with everyone. A new type of university that embodies all knowledge, wisdom, and understanding is my goal by forty-five. My girlfriend loves nice things and I assume I will have kids by then, so bringing a pro basketball team to Virginia Beach at age fifty should be a fun way to provide for my family. Strangely enough, all this is planned out, but my thesis is …show more content…

One tentative idea is to model a global economy with triple bottom line thinking driving the decisions made by the participators. If the global economy is like the tragedy of the commons, it can be managed in a way that yields maximum profitability for all participants through very specific time and location based investments. Another is to explore the notion that natural disasters are caused by evil behavior, using an absence of monotheistic worship as a proxy for measuring evil. This is centered on the common belief that God rains on the just and unjust alike (Matthew 5:45) but also works out all things for the good of his people (Romans 8:28). Is there a significant difference between the mean values for the number of times a natural disaster occurred in an area with high evil people density versus

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