
Pacific Theater-Pearl Harbor

Decent Essays

Hideki Tojo was described positively by the Nazi press in Germany. He was negatively presented in British newspapers. He was first the chief of staff of Japan’s Kwantung Army who invaded China. Next he became the prime minister of Japan. He met with Emperor Hirohito to talk about peace. Tojo promised to try to keep peace with the Americans, but of course went back on his promise. Evidence of this was the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Japan had been using secret communication codes to start to prepare for a strike. The United States military worked on breaking the codes to try to find out what the Japanese were going to do to America. They finally broke the codes. The only problem was that they didn’t know where the attack was going to come from. Roosevelt sent out “war-warnings” to the people in November of 1941. The warnings were sent to military commanders in Guam, the Philippines, and Hawaii. Roosevelt did not want the United States to make the first act for war. The nation waited for an entire month. The Japanese code that had been broken said that Japan rejects all peace treaties or proposals from America. Roosevelt declared, “This means war” on December 6, 1941 to America. The war that Adolf Hitler started in September, 1939, literally exploded into a huge worldly conflict today on December 7, 1941. Japanese bombers have been striking, with no warnings, at Pearl Harbor naval base at Honolulu, Hawaii, and bases at Manila, in the Philippines. Early in the

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