
Pain And Event Calendar :

Decent Essays


The calendar printout that I am bringing with me to our first appointment on February 16, 2017, will detail the date and nature of my pain and suffering following my injury on November 10, 2017. The pain scale used, which was posted by Ms. Karen Lee Richards, a Chronic Pain Connection Expert, can be found online at For your reference, this pain scale is listed below.


Level 0: Pain free.
Level 1: Pain is very mild, barely noticeable. Most of the time you don 't think about it.
Level 2: Annoying and may have occasional stronger twinges.
Level 3: Pain is noticeable and distracting, however, you …show more content…

Wheelchair on the first floor of home from November 10, 2016, to January 17, 2017 ii. Crutches outside of the home (e.g. physiotherapy) in the absence of a wheelchair from November 10, 2016, to January 30, 2017 iii. Walker to cover short distances in the basement of my home from Decmber 23, 2016, to January 30, 2017 iv. Specialized boot, an Aircast, from November 25, 2016, to January 17, 2017, which replaced an initial ankle cast from November 10, 2016 to November 25, 2016 b. Able to walk without a mechanical aid for only short distances (e.g. 1 block at most) with a mild limp from January 30, 2017, to present date c. Forced to rest during the day and at night with elevated legs to reduce right ankle swelling from November 10, 2016, to present date

2. Standing / Reaching - handicapped by pain, poor balance and reduced flexibility: a. Needed a mechanical aid (e.g. crutches, counter top at the kitchen sink) to stand even for brief periods from November 10, 2016, to January 30, 2017 b. Difficulties standing made it extremely difficult for me to reach upwards or bend down while reaching (e.g. kitchen cupboards) from November 10, 2016, to present date

3. Personal needs - handicapped by pain, poor balance and reduced flexibility: a. Bathing i. Needed assistance from homecare workers from November 10, 2016, to Dec. 30, 2016

ii. Needed to purchase a shower chair in order to shower in

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