
Pakistani Pharmaceutical Industry

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Forecasts predict that by 2016 Pakistan will be the 11th largest pharmaceutical market in the Asia Pacific region, which is the major core world’s population and growth pole.
The industry is a net beneficiary of the boom in base materials mostly from China and this positively impacts their margins. Further treaties and trade agreements will boost this trend further.
The country’s Large Scale Manufacturing (LSM) has registered positive growth of 1.85 percent during the July-Sep first quarter of the current FY13 over the corresponding period of the last FY12 showing signs of improvements. The manufacturing items observed growth throughout the first quarter over the same period of last year involved pharmaceuticals (4.09%).
FBR has reduced the rate of the 0.5 percent withholding tax under Section 153A of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 to 0.3 or 0.2 percent for those segments reimbursing lower rate of turnover tax below 0.5 percent. This has yearned to be a major facilitative measure to be announced for all such sectors like manufacturers of pharmaceutical products having low turnover and also paying turnover taxes that are high. By volumes and generated percentage, the Pharmaceutical industry might possibly be considered a small industry which can prove itself of substantial value considering the amount of profits that can be generated, and the number of promising investors that exist. Enormous prospective exists for the Industry in a country of

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