
Palean Basket Essay

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The author cites an evidence of a “Palean” basket was discovered in the village Litho across one broad and deep river from the village Palea and no proofs of any boat that could have helped the residents to cross the river, and thus concludes that the “Palean” basket was not uniquely Paleans. To evaluate the argument, however, further evidence is needed like the historical facts concerning the trading and barter records as well as the geology and weather of prehistoric Palea. In the first place, the author is suggesting that since Palean basket was found in other places of Litho, the basket should not be exclusively Palean’s. This statement, however, is not founded since some indispensable evidence of trades is neglected. High chances are good that even though, as the speaker mentions, the natural barrier thwarted the interactions between the Litho and Palean residents, the Palean basket could be transported through a commercial “third party” with whom the Palean had contact. If this was true, the archeologists should not be shocked to discover the existence of similar or even identical basket in places other than Palea. To evaluate the whole argument, the author should turn to some historical references, especially about the trades and barter recordings in L, Palea and other coeval villages. …show more content…

It might be reasonable that the present inaccessible river turned out to be a shallow Brim Stream in the past, which could be crossed within a few steps. Without ruling out such possibility, the author should not rush to the hasty conclusion of the daunting river condition. Accordingly, the author would be better off illustrating the land and river habitat of Palea and change of Brim River covering the time spell from prehistoric times

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