
Paleolithic Kinship

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Around 10,000 to 2.5 million years ago, the first period of the Stone Age, the Paleolithic Era, existed and was known for the nomadic lifestyle that its people lived. The people of the Paleolithic Era were hunter-gatherers who moved constantly in search of animals to hunt and plants to gather. The Paleolithic people preferred to live off of the resources that existed in abundance in a given region, rather than producing resources for themselves. For this reason, the Paleolithic people were organized into small kinship societies. Small kinship societies enabled the Paleolithic people to live in groups and survive from available resources because larger kinship societies require more resources and living space, which was not ideal. Since the …show more content…

Due to their nomadic lifestyle, the Paleolithic people lived in huts, simple tent structures, or in nearby caves, instead of permanent housing structures. In order to build their huts or tent structures, the Paleolithic people had many simple tools made from a variety of materials. The materials used range from wood and animal skins to bone and even stone. The Paleolithic people used these materials to build simple tools like clubs and scrapers, and even weapons like small axes, flints, and simple arrowheads, which helped them, live day after day. Aside from their weapons and tools, the people of the Paleolithic Era made a great discovery when they learned to control and master the concept of fires. The people of the Paleolithic Era learned the art of starting a fire by rubbing two objects, like sticks, together and mastered the technique used to conserve the energy released by the embers of a fire. Once the Paleolithic people became comfortable with fire, they used it in many beneficial ways, like in hunting, for cooking, for protection and for warmth in colder

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