The Pan Am games are coming to Toronto and other areas around it. It is a good way of bringing in tourists to our country and money too. The Pan am Games are coming here and it is very exciting for people that like sports or people that just want to see what's going on. Personally I wasn't to go and see some sports being played by the athletes in the Pan am games. I think that the Pan AM games will be a lot of fun for locals in Toronto and areas close to that. They have done a torch relay already just like any other large sporting event like the olympics and it went by places near myself and other people I know. The Pan am games are going to bring a ton of tourist to Toronto it will be packed for sports lovers waiting to see the athletes perform. It will be very exciting to see our country hosting and competing in these games. The tourists can being good like publicity and money. Just from being there Toronto will get a better name and will have a bigger name. They will also bring money to the country by buying tickets merchandise and other things that the Pan am games can provide. I hope to buy tickets and be another person to see these games. It is a once and a lifetime opportunity because this has never …show more content…
It has a well known name. I would say that the Pan am Games will make the name even bigger because they are a big event and just like any olympic will be televised all around. When the games start many people will tune in to watch and if it was a good time they will remember the place and know a little bit about Toronto. Money is a huge factor for these Pan Am games. It is what is making this whole thing happen. It has cost us an estimated 2.5 billion dollars to fund all of the Pan am games that is a lot of money. But they aren't spending this money for nothing they are bringing in a lot of athletes and people from around the country to Toronto and they will buy things bringing money into our
The Olympics is a money pit and there is very little evidence of any success derived from hosting an Olympic games. The last three Olympic games are still looking for the return in their investment.
Propaganda is a pre-planned use of any type of public announcement or for a large source of communication designed to influence the minds and trigger emotions on a given group for a certain purpose, whether for an economic, political or military purpose. The reason for propaganda is to gain the support of the viewers on an issue that usually presents false or misleading information, which has been used in both the winter and summer Olympics. The Olympics are supposed to an inspiration to many people around the world and bring nations closer together. For Canadians there has been many Olympics moments that have brought the country together from 1996 Summer Olympics in Seoul when Donavan Bailey won gold in the men’s 100 metre dash
The win brought hockey to the front page of newspapers all over the country.This was a national celebration. It opened the door to American-born players below the 49th parallel.(“The 1980 US Olympic Team”).People in the streets honked their horns after hearing about the game on the radio(“The Miracle on Ice,35 years ago.”). The US had grown at every level of hockey. After the Olympics the team went their separate ways. Some went to the NHL others went on business and others stayed in the programs. They all met up in 2002 to light the Olympic torch in Salt Lake City, Utah(The 1980 US OLympic
During an interview Lori Lansens said “When I grew up all of our news, weather and sports came from America. The people where I grew up rooted for American teams as opposed to Canadian teams.” Well, have you ever wondered why there are so little Canadian teams In American sports? Hi I am Jack and I am here to talk about Canadian sports teams and why there are so little in American sports. I will be talking about the Blue Jays, Raptors and other sports with Canadian teams.
The article on Canada’s presence during the Sochi Olympics in 2014 shows a changing Canadian national identity. The article highlights a shift towards a more patriotic nation-state, one focused on success and pride. Canada’s success in the Olympics skyrocketed after the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, resulting in a surge of patriotism and confidence in the Canadian people. The Canadian government granted the Own the Podium program more funding, gaining $78.8 million over 8 years (Terlep & Bachman 2014). Canada’s increased interest and success in the Olympics has revived Canadian national pride. Canadians have become much more present during the Olympics, over 6000 tickets to the Sochi Games were bought by Canadians (Terlep & Bachman 2014). The people have also become more loud in their expressions of national identity, proudly wearing red and white, and maple leafs. The Canadian athletes displayed enthusiasm and vigour, taking selfies with the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, and nicknaming him “Vlad”, when he visited the Canadian House. Canadian politeness has seemingly been replaced with shameless swagger (Terlep & Bachman 2014).
Sports are part of our lives and inspire a lot of person all around the word to become a champion. I think almost every competitive athlete aspires to complete at the Olympic Games one day and to hope to accomplish awesome performances. Few are those who reach this level and make it a living but we all know that it is possible. Some people say that you can only be an Olympic champion if you have a lot of talent but I don’t believe in this vision. I think you need way more than talent to succeed and that the key to success is hard work, passion, determination and confidence. I this text I will talk about Canadian’s performances and show why we should be proud of our athletes and I will also talk about the emplacement of the games in Rio.
It is evident that hosting the Olympics games is no walk in the park. The countries trusted with this task have to spend billions to make the games a reality. Some people believe that the countries, even after spending billions of dollars benefit from the games, while others believe that the money can be spent elsewhere more efficiently. To reach a conclusion, one must study all of the different impacts in all of the different sectors the games have.
International expansion is brilliant but it's only half the battle. Placing more American Soccer clubs near Canadian Clubs will enhance MLS. The current league expansion plan won't achieve this goal. Minnesota, Atlanta, Orlando and New York ? aren't right next to Canadian borders. Placing a team in Detroit will boost the local economy and give Toronto a true rival. If the sport wants to grow in Canada and the states it should copy the Seattle Vancouver strategy.
Are the Olympics beneficial to Cities? The Olympics show people that the greatest sporting event in the world is so much more than just a game. The Olympics give people an opportunity to meet others from different countries despite their cultural, political, and religious differences. Also the Olympics give people the sense of unity and hope. Therefore, by hosting an event like the Olympics, Boston has taken the right decision due to the multiple benefits will occur to the city, the Olympics will contribute to the prosperity of the economy, bring a lot tourist, and shows the beauty of Boston to the world. Therefore, the Olympics should be held in Boston.
The most popular way that the Olympics we're able to give nations an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities was through competition and to demonstrate who was the best. True, these competitions are supposed to be through friendly competition, it was also a way for countries to show their national prowess through orchestration of impressive events and through a nation's triumph with their nations athletes. Naturally, these competitions became very intense through times of war such as the events before World War II. In regards to orchestration of these events many countries and even cities, like Los Angeles, went above and beyond to make the event special and as engaging is possible spending millions of dollars for things such as facilities,
Countries utilize both the vast market and the attractiveness to increase ticket sales, sales in merchandise and tourism in their country. For the 2012 Olympic in London, it was estimated that 471,000 people visited from overseas primarily for the Olympic/Paralympics. ("Visits to the UK for the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympics - ONS", 2013, p. xx-xx) Not only does the country benefit from the ticket sales, but other businesses in the city (Hotels, restaurants, attractions, etc.) will flourish in business due to all the international trades that are occurring. The Olympic also provide jobs since the preparation, and the execution of the event requires a large staff as well as people with different skills. (Performers, construction workers, marketers, designers, etc.) Thanks to the Olympics, the United Kingdom saw a boost of £9.9 Billion ($17,805,486,600 CAD) in trades and investments. ("London 2012 Olympics 'have boosted UK economy by £9.9bn'", 2013) Hosting the Olympics can also make a psychological impact. With the great success Japan had in hosting the 1964 Olympics, (the first Asia Olympics as well as a method of being reaccepted by the rest of the world after World War Two), news that Japan will be hosting the Olympics 2020 significantly brought their citizen’s morale up after being hit with
On the other hand, the Olympics have created a positive economic impact for the host country in many other ways. The increased tourism causes an economic boost
Outside of the host country however, there are not as many downsides to the Olympic Games. By participating in the Olympic Games, the citizens of different countries in the world can bond together through this event, and may become more productive after viewing the Olympics.
Olympic Games, as a global event, any Olympic Games will have a different impact on the environment, society, culture and economy of the host city and country. Especially since the 1980s, with the scale continues to expand, the impact of the Games on the host city and country of more concern. Another important issue will be social communities. For Olympic Games host city, it will has lots of change, like environment, social communities, local economic, etc.… But the host city still got something attractions and cultural staff. For example, Canada Whistler Winter Olympic Games, First, because of economic development, job opportunities increase, leading to increased consumer demand. Second, the Olympic Games will have a great demand for
Other international events such as the inaugural Youth Olympic Games and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Meetings (APEC) also drew visitors from worldwide for both business and leisure.