
Paper About Immigration

Decent Essays

I feel horribly unprepared to write a paper about immigration. I grew up on a piece of land that had been in my fathers’ family for over 160 years and in a house that my great-grandfather built in the early 1900s. In my extended family, no one has dealt with the concerns that come with immigrations. As far as I knew, no one I graduated from high school with was a first-generation immigrant either. The only direct experience I have with an immigrant family was someone a few years older than me who attended the same school. He and his family came from Moldova when he was very young. They were naturalized while he was in high school. Issues related to immigration have not significantly affected my life. As a result, it is not something that I have seriously considered in the past. When I do try to form an opinion on it, I discover that there is more I do not know than what I do know.
I do not have any understanding of what the process is to legally immigrate here. I have heard people say that, because it is not that hard to do, no one should do it illegally. However, I do not honestly know what how easy or challenging it is, though I do not think that it is particularly easy. I have heard of green cards and visas, but I do not know what the process is to acquire one …show more content…

As a teacher who is working with English Language Learners, I will be interacting with students from all sorts of backgrounds. In order to support these students as people first and students second, I need to be aware of some of the concerns they might be facing at home. I also want to learn what I can do as a teacher to help students. Jose Antonio Vargas talked about how his principal and superintendent became a part of his support system in his adult life. While it may not be possible to support all of my students for the rest of their lives like Vargas’s example, it is important to build relationships with the

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