

Decent Essays

Research Design
This study is set to answer question on social phenomenon: How S/R protects people against TU. Researchers usually approached the study of social phenomenon with social constructivist worldview characterized by contextualization, flexibility, lack of determinism, and lack of structure (Creswell, 2012; Houghton et al., 2013; Schwab, & Syed, 2015). The design for this study, therefore, will be informal, non-structured, open-ended, and in-depth interview. Researcher and participant will explore participants’ spiritual/religion experiences in relation to non-tobacco use with questions grounded in the social learning theory. The interview will be two audio-recorded sessions, 30 - 60 minutes each, depending on each …show more content…

Coding will be done by researcher, and confirmed by the research team. There will be an ongoing peer and participants’ auditing throughout the study. MAXQDA, the computer-assisted analysis software with fast coding, organization, and analytical functions will be used to complement the analysis of the researcher (MAXQDA, 2016). Detail description of interview procedure, and information will be ensured during data collection for complete transfer of data from stage to stage (Carson, et al., 2001; Gomm, Hammersley, & Foster, 2009).
The population of study will be the US adults, Christians, non-smokers, or ex-smokers. The population will be Christians because past researchers associated Christianity with less smoking (Gmel et al., 2013). Because data suggested age 26 marks the end of smoking initiation (USDHHS, 2014), and because researchers suggested the plausible mediating effects of age from childhood to adulthood (Barton & Miller, 2011; Kim-Spoon et al., 2014; Moscati & Mezuk, 2014), the population will be late adults. Another reason late adulthood will be considered the right age for this study’s population is because late adulthood will capture the cumulative experiences of the process of smoking transition: nonsmoking, initiation, persistence, relapse, and cessation (Bailey et al., 2015). Equally, the population of this study will cut across gender and race because past

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