
Paper Towns John Green Essay

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Paper Towns by John Green is Edgar Award winning young adult literature that conveys the theme of the complexity of humanity. The exposition for this novel characterizes on two characters Quentin Jacobsen, the narrator of the novel, who characterizes in shyness and suffocating relationship with his neighbor and lover, Margo Roth Spiegelman. Quentin is a normal high school senior whose life alters in the changing setting that takes place with disappearance of Margo. The rising action is presented as a suffocation of relationship between Quentin and Margo begins to loosen out and become more open through Margo asking Quentin to help with a revenge against Jason who cheated on her; this breaks the Quentin’s inability to approach to Margo since he was nine, which was confined by shyness of Quentin. …show more content…

By saying this, Margo shows her emotions towards Quentin. Finding Margo at the end, Quentin embarks on the falling action of the story. Quentin, Ben, and Radar have put in a tremendous amount of time and effort to find Margo. The result comes down to eventually finding Margo and listening to the real reason of Margo escaping from the town. Quentin’s thoughts and curiosity about a “paper town” gets answered through Margo telling him that she is “a paper girl and Orlando isn’t paper town” (Green 301). At this time, Quentin is freely able to express his emotion towards Margo and is not captured by the barrier of his shyness. In the final part of Paper Towns, Quentin states that he is able “to feel hands of Margo on his back and see her even in cracked darkness” (Green 305). Quentin simply recalls his suffocative relationship with Margo and inability to express his emotions towards Margo; at the same time, he is simply enjoying the changed situation in which he can enjoy his relationship with Margo. Quentin

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