
Paradise Road

Decent Essays

When confronted with conflict, people have response with courage or cowardice When confronted with conflict, it is often faced with difficult, or even threatening, situations. Often when humanity finds itself in conflict, coping with the struggle of interpersonal, cultural and racial, inner or moral conflict can bring either courage or cowardice out in people. This is made evident in Bruce Beresford’s “Paradise Road,” but also in real life situations.

It is naturally human to experience conflict, we will all be forced to respond to conflict at various times and various forms throughout the course of our lives, and in order to live serenely we attempt to avoid and resolve conflict. Those who experience moral conflict are truly …show more content…

However this conflict America encounter was complex it brought out both the positive values uniting individuals together and the cruellest and inhuman responses. Resulting in America leading an international effort to oust the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and destroy Osama bin Laden’s terrorist network. With the encountering of conflict both courage and cowardice can be seen in people.

That faced with inner conflict the individual has a choice between what is the best and the worst decision in that conflict. Encountering conflict is often portrayed with negative experience by humans, however it is through these experiences in which people discover inner strength that they never knew they possessed, both physically and mentally. Through the discovery of these traits, many people can overcome conflict and create workable solutions to difficult problems, or even make appropriate compromises. A monumental example of this was Rosa Parks “the mother of the freedom movement” , an African-American activist in the time of the black and white segregation, refused to give up her seat in the coloured section of the bus to a white passenger, after the white section was filled. This portray of inner strength sparked the movement of the abolishment of the segregation, empathising an individuals character is found in encountering conflict.

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