
Paradoxes In Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare

Decent Essays

Romeo and Juliet, a story written by Shakespeare. Michael Mark, loves his work. He wrote a argument to a group of college students, to see if he could convince them to read shakespeare. He should be an intrest you consider learning more about, as you go through your education. Mack produces his claim with a series of well written analogy’s and paradoxes. Persuading the group of college students to take an interest and read shakespeare. Starting off, Mack used an analogy. On lines 9-12, let me try to explain by comparing shakespeare to music. Since most people enjoy music, shakespeare ,it’s sometimes similar to a good song or beat. People find it appealing to read. Lines 67-71, great books were thought of as mirrors, when you read a good book you are looking into a pretty special mirror. That mirror reflects the world in new ways. Macks reason for this, which helps support his claim is when reading shakespeare, you could be learning more about reality. Using this for college students, stating shakespeare might prepare them for the real world when they graduate. …show more content…

On lines 25-30 you hear, but you don’t hear. Proves by when you read shakespeare you might just be skimming over and just reading what it says. You won’t be actually comprehending the real message he’s sending through the story. Mack wants the college students to read the stories and understand shakespeare’s meaning on life. If they read shakespeare then they could interpret reality. Lines 93-94 what we see in these examples is a fairly complex interplay of life and literature. The better you understand literature, you understand life. He makes his claim stronger, telling the kids that since shakespeare is a more complex piece of literature. Reading it could help them understand life’s way of

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