
Paralysis In Dubliners

Decent Essays

Moreover, symbolism plays a big role in Dubliners by characters being symbols of their own paralysis. In “The Dead”, Aunt Julie is paralyzed because of her lack of romance in her life and Gabriel is paralyzed by lacking communication of his family and friends. The ‘what if’ scenario of “Eveline” is with Aunt Julie growing old and still not knowing “where she was or where she was going” due to her paralysis of when she was young because she is ‘in between’ what was and what is next, she is still in that stage of liminality (Joyce 115). The same paralysis that Mrs. Sinico could have stayed with if she has not committed suicide to “solve” her problems. Next, Gabriel Conroy’s paralysis like Mr. Duffy in “A Painful Case” is the lack of communication,

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