
Parental Involvement Within A Child 's Educational Development

Decent Essays

Parental involvement in schools is not always an easy task yet, it is very beneficial for everyone involved in a child’s educational development. Students must see that parents have an invested interest in what transpires at school. When parents are involved at schools they become more aware of how to best help their child at home. In addition, “students are more inherently interested in learning, and they experience higher perceived competence” (Gonzalez,-DeHass, Willems and Holbein, 2005, p. 117). Parents and teachers must create a positive partnership or teamwork to show the student the importance of learning in and outside of school. Overall, schools, parents, teachers and students benefit from positive parent involvement leading students to become successful life-long learners. To begin, students who have active parental involvement generally have better test score, attendance rate and higher grades in school. In addition, students have better self-efficacy and motivation toward school resulting to a more positive learning experience. Research states, “Students viewed their parents as role models and trusted partners in helping them assess their own capabilities and performance” (Gonzales-DeHass, Williams and Holbein, 2005, p. 116). A positive attitude about school encourages students to have more self-discipline resulting in less disciplinary actions. Most parental involvement occurs at the elementary level however; secondary students whose parents remain

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