
Part 1

Better Essays

Food Intake
Ebony Williams

Food Intake – 3 Days

The three day food intake information that was recorded in I Profile was completed to provide information on the types of food that were being eaten, nutritional values and to understand the importance of healthier eating behaviors.

Recorded Intake of Protein, Carbohydrates, and Lipids

According to the spreadsheet of foods that were recorded in the three day intake I Profile, many of the foods listed provided an overlap of protein, carbohydrates and lipids. The foods recorded that provided the majority intake of protein were Eggs, Chicken, Turkey ham, Cheese, Breakfast Sausage. (University of Phoenix, 2012). Next, the foods that provided the majority of …show more content…

If protein deficiency is continued, this could lead to muscle deterioration, digestive problems and severe weight loss. Eating too few carbohydrates can cause the body to find another source for energy, such as protein which is needed for energy and muscle tissue. Additionally, carbohydrates are the primary source for glucose that is needed for the brain to function properly. Consuming to few lipids does not provide the necessary energy needed for the body, which decrease metabolism and hormone production.

Fiber Intake Ranges

The fiber intakes meet the recommendation calculated by I Profile. Since the recommendation was met, I believe that the fiber intake was just right. However, I do not believe that my diet met the minimum number of servings of food from each of the fiber containing groups. I believe that the both groups for fruits and vegetables fell short of the minimum number of servings. The specific foods that provided the most fiber were pasta, and a bagel. Whereas, the foods that provided the least were the BBQ chips, Croissant, sausage. It appears that the trend in my food choices is that there are not enough fruits and vegetables, which affects my fiber intake.

Dietary Modifications

The identifiable patterns are that there is not enough consumption of balanced food choices, not eating regularly and that processed food is selected more often.

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