
Pastoral Search Committee Essay

Decent Essays

Pastoral search committee,
After reading the post for this position my interest was sparked and my spirit was excited. This leads me to say this………….When God ordains an individual to pastor and lead a church he equips them to do so (Hebrews 13:21). Each person called to this position goes through a training period. Through this they are supposed to allow God to build them up for one of the most important positions in this world. The church needs a pastor who is anointed and appointed by God who will preach God’s word, lead the people, and prepare them for the savior’s return (romans 10:14). That takes a lot of prayer and fasting to do what God ordained someone to do while they are on this earth (mark 9:29).
Through training and preparation, I can say God has and is still equipping me for this position. This has allowed me to be humble when it comes to being a servant of God (James 4:6). I have been in church since I was born. As a youth …show more content…

Better than that, allow God to show you in the spirit who I am and how I will fit in this position. I come with an excitement for ministry and youthfulness. Through the help of God, I would make a valuable addition to this church brining my 20 years of ministry experience, education and interactive ideas. I am not coming to sit still; I am coming to work while it is day. I am adept in missions, community outreach, and mentoring new Christians. Moreover, while my on-the-job experience has afforded me a well-rounded skill set, including first-rate strategic planning and program management abilities, I excel at: working with youth, young adults, and older adults as individual groups and a collective body. Last but not least I am not afraid to preach the word of God.
Please review my attached resume for additional details regarding my expertise and career achievements. I will follow up with any additional information needed with a background check or whatever else is

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