
Patchwork Boland Summary

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The Pieces That Fit: An Analysis of Boland’s “Patchwork” In her poem “Patchwork”, built of nine stanzas varying lengths, Boland’s persona finds herself in her dining room late at night working on a sewing project while contemplating the universe. Utilizing various stylistic and structural techniques, Boland’s intent is to reconcile the tension between chaos and order for the purpose of ascertaining the meaning of existence. Immediately in the first stanza Boland establishes a persona who will consistently vacillate between between certainty in her understanding of the composition of the universe. The persona is at first contemplative as she thinks at “random on the universe” only to ironically contradict herself when she proclaims that “nothing in the universe is random”. Boland’s chiasmus here serves to set in place the wavering opinions of the persona that will persist, and such as chime miss oxymorons and contrasting stanza's bar scene repeatedly throughout the piece they are essential in establishing a light reflective tone and mood switch coupled with the use of the first person perspective enables the reader to form eight unquestioning intimate connection with the speaker the security of the near raider is further also to make clear the persona’s thesis-- that there is order in the universe. Her confidence is halted, quite literally, however, at the end of the quatrain only to be followed by a parenthetical, one-line stanza where she concedes that her assessment is

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