
Patient Self-Determination Act

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There is a patient here with a life threating disease that is life threating and this same patient has a DNR in her medical file prohibiting CPR if she were to require it. The next day the patient tells the medical assistant that if she stops breathing please help her breathe again, giving a verbal void of the existing DNR. The MA has to ask herself two very important questions, do I administer CPR or should not administer CPR because she has a DNR order? It wasn’t too long ago that I ask myself these very same questions. Do I want to see my father the way he is or do I take this chance and say my goodbye and remember every day the memories and how much of a role model he was to me. I was the only one in my family who did try to fight to have …show more content…

Some people get tattoos that are not valid others wear a bracelet which is purple also they could give u a wallet size card to carry on you and a necklace. The necklace and bracelet are the two most common for DNR patients they must have them on at all times. In 1991 congress passed a law the “Patient Self-Determination act”. This act mandates hospitals honor an individual’s decision in their healthcare as well as their next of kin. If a patient has a DNR on their file, but later states they want life sustaining support they should be able to receive it. Some people think we can have an altered way of not applying the DNR order. Some people think that if a healthcare worker would apply the life- sustaining treatment the patient would have a better chance of fighting the condition or even feel better or happier. A physician is going to look at the goals of the patient and the family or whomever the caregiver is an help them achieve those goals or at least put them in the right direction towards …show more content…

By looking at medical, and medication the physician can come up with a plan or action if there was a crisis to occur (Merck sharp & Dohme corp, n.d.). DNR differs state to state. Ohio has three different the first is comfort care, the second is comfort care-arrest, and the third is clinical. DNR orders two of which are state-approved. Comfort care this is that only comfort care be administered before, during, or after the time a person’s heart or breathing would have stopped. This one is mostly for people who have little chance of living. Comfort care-arrest is when lifesaving medications are permitted, such as blood pressure or heart pills that are very powerful. This one as well for the comfort care can be done when the heart or the patient stops breathing. The third order can only be valid by Cleveland and clinical hospitals and that is DNR specified. DNR specified which means that some CPR treatment methods can be used while other methods may not such as electric shock ("Cleveland Clinic," 2014). Most people wonder if we have CPR then why we have a DNR order. CPR does not always work because people can be suffering a lot more when given mouth to mouth, but they have a

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