
Patricia Hill Collins Matrix Of Domination

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Matrix of domination by Patricia Hill Collins, examines the ways our social positions interact with each other ( how nature of race is shaping the experiences of women and men throughout society by social concepts.) The matrix of domination demonstrates that we all fit somewhere in the matrix; everyone is shaped by many different combination of these interacting statuses or social categories. Each person experiences different levels of oppression and privilege. The degree of it depends on person’s location in society. Sometimes dynamics of privilege are invisible to those who benefit most from them ,perhaps because they take it for granted . In addition to being structured along axes such as race, gender, and social …show more content…

There are no two persons that shares exact the same values and had the same life even though they grew up in the same household.
Each person experiences oppression depending on own unique combination of factors.
Not everybody sees own social status the same way the society views it.
For example, an African-American armed security officer who makes a little over a minimum wage can feel privileged because he has a right to carry a weapon ,demonstrate his power and demand respect.
On another hand, a housewife of a wealthy husband can feel oppressed because of lack of own goals even though the society sees her as a very successful lady “Each group speaks from its own standpoint and shares its own partial, situated knowledge. But because each group perceives its own truth as partial, its knowledge is unfinished.” .( Boston: Unwin Hyman,
1990) This situation was going on for a very long time and now it’s time for a change . Understanding of matrix of domination is a first step to the change. Seeing the problem of inequality, causes of discrimination provides us with possibilities for an improvement. It also adds

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