
Patriots: The American Patriots

Decent Essays

American Patriots The American Colonist were patriots because they wanted to leave Britain and helped create America. The American Colonist had many reasons to leave. But ran into many road blocks to conquer on the way. They didn’t have the army nor recourse. The first major American opposition to British policy came in 1765 after Parliament passed the Stamp Act, a taxation measure designed to raise revenues for a standing British army in America. After months of protest in the colonies, Parliament finally voted to repeal the Stamp Act in March 1766. Most colonists continued to quietly accept British rule until Parliament’s enactment of the Tea Act in 1773, a bill designed to save the faltering British East India Company by greatly lowering its tea tax and granting it a monopoly on the American tea trade (American colonist , n.d.)
The American colonist had to deal with many things in order to get their freedom. The Quartering Act of 1765 required the colonist to house and feed British soldiers. Should there still be soldiers without accommodation after all such public houses were filled, the colonies were then required to take, hire and make fit for the reception of his Majesty’s forces, such and so many uninhabited houses, outhouses, barns, or other buildings as shall be necessary. (American colonist , n.d.) …show more content…

Since the beginning of the 18th century, tea had been regularly imported to the American colonies. By the time of the Boston Tea Party, it has been estimated American colonists drank approximately 1.2 million pounds of tea each year (Boston Tea Party , 2015). Britain realized it could make even more money off of the lucrative tea trade by imposing taxes onto the American colonies. In effect, the cost of British tea became high, and, in response, American colonists began a very lucrative industry of smuggling tea from the Dutch and other European

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