
Paul An Apostle Of Christ

Decent Essays

Paul an apostle of Christ to my fellow laborers in the work of spreading the teachings of Christ, peace and blessings to you. I pray that you have grown in the knowledge I left with you and the grace that we all given each day as we serve God. I pray my letter reaches the community in good spirits as I left you with much work to do in the building of the Church. I have made it to Patara several days ago and was pleased to see my fellow laborers in the gospel. I was met here by Matthias and Steven. I also found Sereaneus and Zina in good health and recovering since my last visit with the, I will travel to Myra soon and see how they are growing as well, Apollos my fellow laborer in spreading the gospel has just returned from there with good news of the reception of the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Surrender my brothers and sisters to God daily. You cannot make it in this life without him. Know when life weighs you down that God is the renewing factor each day. God will renew your strength and rejuvenate your mind. He will activate your faith and he can resuscitate your bothersome circumstances. Remember to worship. Let us be in prayer for the community as it grows, Pray specifically for Apollos that he is unharmed as he goes to communities far in the north region.
Reject sin and constantly seek forgiveness for the wrong doing around you. Be steadfast in your prayers and constantly keep watch for falling into temptation that is around you. Continue to support one

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