
Paul Brandt Music Analysis

Decent Essays

This essay is separated into four parts by the approach used to analyze the music preformed by Paul Brandt on April 5th, 2017 as part of a religious studies course focusing on religion and music at the University of Calgary, RELS373. Scott provides a standard of music’s role in cultures, explained in lecture, culture is seen as a product of religion, geographic location, and language. The phenomenon of a spiritual experience due to music is explained through the perception of William James. The metaphysical nature of music is analyzed philosophically, from the point of view of Rudolph Otto. The experience of praise (to God) is analyzed with a doxological approach through the lenses of James Frazer and Dietterich.
Music is a critical part of …show more content…

A “Holiday Special” is introduced to invite new songwriters to say what music meant to them, presented by the Calgary Herald. Paul Brandt argued with the broadcasters to sing “Mary Did You Know”, this song would properly include his Christian faith along with what this song meant to him. The broadcasters initially shut him down belieiving the song was too Christian for viewers, but he felt he couldn’t fully express himself if he sang “I’ll be home for Christmas”; due to the concept of inclusivity, the broadcasters allowed him to sing his choice. Christian music would include Biblical teachings; the Bible in this case is put on a pedestal, stating all music shines a spotlight on something. It is important to note that reading often can prevent Alzheimers disease (including readings of sacred text), but Paul Brandt mentioned that a man with Parkinson’s disease would stop shaking when the music would move …show more content…

The role of music to Paul Brandt was to share his religion with others; similar to Scott who says it’s to provide understanding to a culture’s experience. William James believes the strength of the musical experience is through the religion, which parallels with Brandts belief of phenomena of the positive health benefits to singing and sharing praise to God. By involving religion into his music, Brandt doesn’t only invite others to explore Christianity, Rudolph Otto could say Brandt invites God to join his praise. James Frazer explores doxology bay including music is the most affective of the arts, Dietterich adds on that the praise to god through music is a form of theology as doxology, and Paul Brandt said that music is what he uses to create relationships with people and invite them to experience

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