
Pedophilia and Ideas to Prosecute Offenders

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Pedophiles molest young children, some of them either kill children after abuse or cripple them psychologically. Hence this house will execute Adult Pedophiles. However, when Pedophiles are non adults, below 17 years of age, how should they be penalized? They should not be given a free hand to destroy the core values of a society. No matter what age group they belong to the sex offenders should be executed with some serious penalties.
The age barrier on most occasions comes in the way of the execution of the teenagers who involve themselves in different kinds of sex offense. The problem is if teenage pedophiles are not punished they would do the same crime again and again.
Here I would present some of the arguments that would strengthen my case.
Solvency.1 Civil commitments
First up, Pedophiles according to many psychologists and psychiatrists are the problem children. They do not grow normally like other normal kids. Either they bear some domestic violence at home or they have been victims of sexual abuse themselves at a very young age.
This justification for the sinful acts of the pedophiles might not be enough. A pedophile must get the necessary punishment according to the laws. If this does not happen then society can be in a chaotic situation.
The teenage pedophile should not be executed. Instead this house would enforce penalty in the form of monitored psychological treatment.
Secondly, the teenage Pedophiles should be made to perform some civil commitments.

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