
People 's Understanding Of Food

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People’s understanding of food is shaped by many different things. For example, a Wendy’s Power Mediterranean Chicken Salad, Half sized would be viewed differently by what a person considers “healthy”, how they want their body to look like, where they come from, their income level, and whether they are male or female. Wendy’s description of its salad says “Here 's the nutrient-rich, protein-packed fuel you need to power through your day. Always-fresh-grilled chicken teams up with a savory ensemble of feta cheese, hummus, and sundried tomato quinoa blend to take this salad to the next level. This product is available at participating locations.” It has 230 calories, 5 grams of fiber, and 20 grams of protein. When it comes to health and the Wendy’s salad I view it as a healthier option compared to the rest of the menu. I would pick this when I feel like eating something that I would consider is good for me and giving me nutrients.It would make me feel better about myself if I eat the salad over a cheesburger or chicken nuggets. Someone like Michael Pollan would view this salad as a healthier option than anything else on the Wendy’s menu since it is more plant based with the lettuce, but he probably still would not recommend it. In his 9 pieces of advice he claims “Avoid even those food products that come bearing health claims” (Pollan 13). In the wendy’s description it includes many health claims like “nutrient-rich”, “Always-fresh”, and low amount of calories. Pollan

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