
Perception and Attention Essay

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Perception and Attention Perception is a remarkable trait. Consider human vision, a two-dimensional array of light appears on the retina, which houses the visual receptors. Instead of seeing a random collection of color dots, people immediately experience a rich, coherent, veridical, three-dimensional perception of an object, person, or event Perhaps the most astounding fact is that this occurs immediately, mostly outside of conscious awareness (Robinson-Riegler& Robinson-Riegler, 2008). Perception and attention are two independent mechanisms relevant to one another. Attention is the state of focused awareness on a division of available perceptual information. This paper will explain the concept of perception, break down the perceptual …show more content…

The example focuses on objects that include the depth of a set of stimulus elements perceived as one object, and visual regularity as a component in the perception organization process. Other components are depth effect, time effect, and anti-regularity (Plhakova, 2008).
Define the concept of attention
Attention is the state of focused awareness on a division of available perceptual information. It is a system of the brain that is separate from the data processing system. Attention is usually considered to have at least three aspects: orienting, filtering, and searching (Ward, 2008). These aspects can be focused on a single information source or divided among several sources. Each of these aspects has specific properties of which complete operations on systems that complete operations on specific inputs even when attention is in another place.
The attention method is different from any other sensory and motor systems. The Attention structure works together with other parts of the brain, but maintains its own identity. Individuals’ conscious attention is selective. Selective attention occurs the moment one focus his or her awareness on a limited segment of all they are able of experiencing. Attention is an important feature because it connects the mental level of description processes used in cognitive science with the anatomical in detail level common in neuroscience (Peterson &Postner, 1990).


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