
Perioperative Hypothermia Essay

Decent Essays

Perioperative hypothermia causes adverse effects in the recovery of a post-operative patient. These well known effects include delayed anaesthetic recovery, increased incidence and duration of postoperative ventilation, increased blood loss and transfusion requirements, increased cardiac events, increased surgical wound infection, pro-longed hospital length-of-stay (LOS) and higher hospital mortality.

Three reasons account for the commonality of hypothermia post open abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) surgery: (1)thermoregulation impairment due to anaesthesia, (2) skin surface warming limitation, and (3) ineffective warming of the ishaemic lower limbs in aortic cross-clamping to counterbalance the heat loss from the abdomen, which is exposed to operating room ambient temperature for a long period of time3,4. The combined use of a forced- air warming device or resistive heating device and intravenous fluid warming is found to be effective and safe for major abdominal …show more content…

However, there data becomes limited on on the effects of mild (35.0 to 35.9oC) to moderate (34.0 to 34.9oC) hypothermia on patients and whether the course and immensity of these effects of hypothermia can be generalised in major AAA surgery and other surgeries.

statement of the problem
In this study, we examined whether intraoperative hypothermia in patients undergoing open elective abdominal aortic surgery was predictive of postoperative in-hospital morbidity. We also assessed the magnitude of any such association, adjusted for possible confounders such as age, comorbidities and surgical complexity.

Intraoperative hypothermia has been associated with various adverse effects and is said to be preceding increased in-hospital morbidity and length of stay:
What is the effect of intraoperative hypothermia

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