
Persepolis Identity

Decent Essays

Christopher Theis
Dr. Garvin
English 102
11 May 2017
The Identity of Marjane Satrapi Stories and history become one of the most important aspects of one’s life. Through generations of people in the past and present, stories are passed down and are held to an extent to learn from the past. This way society is able to learn how to prevent what has happened in the past for the future. In the story Persepolis, Marjane learns stories about her family, friends, and government that help her find her identity. These stories not only help her find her identity but also give a realization on the importance of her life. By writing in the past and the present, we are able to see how the Islamic Revolution and corruption of Iran has affected her, her country, …show more content…

When two swans put their heads together it forms the shape of a heart and Marji completed the other half. The relationship between each other changed the way Marji perceived the world. She was very angry and turned violent as we see later in the book when she threatens to kill a young boy at school. This swan represents their relationship and how she can remember to love others as the hate, turmoil, and war begins in Iran during the revolution. Love in Iran is very limited to some people. Social classes are not able to mix with each other because it is forbidden. A character that is presented in Persepolis the represents the limitation of love between social classes is Mehri, the housemaid who also cares for Marji. She is like an older sister to Marji and she looks up to her even though she is her maid. Mehri also listens to Marji and does things for her when asked as well. She understands their friendly relationship and also knows there is a job to be …show more content…

She knows now that she will never be a prophet and she questions herself as to why this happens to her. The way she perceives this is hard for her because she wants to know the truth about everything. This story helps her in the future for when she experiences deaths of friends and family and how to handle it. Not only friends and family, but the potentially downfall of her country and the backlash of the regime. This simple story not only sparks the way that she thinks about the government and how they treat people but the way it affects her parents at home as well. For example, when she comes home she notices that her parents to not want to play monopoly before she is told the story of her great grandfather. The government shapes the way she is raised and changes her mentality as she grows and denies propaganda that the government puts out. History always tells us that we learn from the past. This book for instance disregards what history tells us. The past is absolutely able to repeat again. For example, the Iraq and Iran war as well as regimes and terrorist groups taking over countries. This for instance shows that the past and present sometimes are the same and never change. When war occurs in the present time, Marjane’s memory of the past begins to play a role in the way she used to

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