
Persepolis Summary

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Botshon, Lisa and Melinda Plastas. "Homeland In/Security: A Discussion and Workshop on Teaching Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis." Feminist Teacher, vol. 20, no. 1, Oct. 2009, pp. 1-14. EBSCOhost, article “Homeland In/Security: A Discussion and Workshop on Teaching Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis “ wrote by Botshon presented the significant of teaching Persepolis in the U.S. after the 9/11 terrorist event. Moreover, it is stated that one of the considerable difficulties of educating in the post– 9/11 United States is battling with balanced simplifications and deception about Islam, "Middle Easterners," "Middle Easterner Americans," …show more content…

classrooms open new spaces for transnational comprehension and a reconsideration of Western misperceptions about the Middle East, or can educating the content develop tricky New Orientalist ideas? Consequently, the writer believes our experience demonstrates that Satrapi's Persepolis can give a profitable road to starting the procedure of basic reasoning fundamental all together for Western understudies to reevaluate their convictions about Iran, sexual orientation, and war. The author Botshon cited one of the scholar, who stated that “Transversalism suggests that it is indeed possible to react in new ways to old situations, not by following prescriptive rules that tell one how to act but by reorienting oneself within one’s world so that the actions of others can be understood in a less threatening way, reducing the need to react in a self-protective manner.” In the book of Persepolis, it is enclosed with details which provides reader with a complex portrait of what it meant to be a citizen of Iran in the 1980s. As a result, the U.S. students find themselves confronted with a child’s eye view of war, a perspective missing from our mass media reports, which forces them to engage with the effects of war on civilian

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