
Personal Essay : My Experience In The Life Of My Life

Decent Essays

I was taught to be accepting, outgoing, and independent. By this point in my life, that's exactly what I've become. My education, happiness, and family were always top priorities. I was born in Detroit Michigan, and raised by a hard working military wife. I have two sisters, one almost 2 years older and one 4 years younger. Since my dad was in the Navy it was mostly just us four and we were fine with that. Subconsciously, we might have even prefered it that way. When I was almost 5 years old we moved to Jacksonville, Florida because my dad was stationed there. After a year or so, he was deployed. Once we got settled, my mom went back to college while working. When she was studying, my sisters and I entertained each other so, we all were very close. At this age I was a very intellectual introvert. My older sister was the only person I really talked talk to. I’ve always been a bit peculiar and ahead of my classmates. When I was in Jacksonville they made it seem as though being academically advanced was a negative thing. They gave me different lessons, alone in separate rooms, and asked me not to discuss it with the other students. When I was almost nine, we moved back to Detroit to be closer to family. Detroit was different because, rather than making my learning abilities seem odd, they celebrate them. They offered me opportunities to show off my differences. I was class representative, I had poetry published, I was offered Instruments to play, languages to

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