
Personal Experience: Cultural Differences between Peru and the US

Decent Essays

The young male I chose for this interview is from Lima Peru. He is a student and an athlete here at SIUe. He came to SIUe to play sports, more specifically football or as we call it here in the United States, soccer. He is enjoying it quite a lot. This student came to the United States in 2013 and feels that each country has something different to offer. In most situations involving moving, whether it be to a different town, state, or even country, there are pros and cons. This student shared with me some of the things he enjoys most about his country. He said that when he came to the United States, he noticed something different about our greetings towards one another. “In Peru, we greet close friends and family members with hugs” he said, “boys and girls kiss each other on the cheek and friends shake hands or fist bump.” However, here in the United States, he noticed that some males are not comfortable with that kind of interaction and physical contact with others of the same gender. This he says, is one reason he feels more comfortable living at home. Food is another reason this student prefers home to the United States. Latin America is known around the world for having delicious food. The food there is full of flavor and spices, along with being colorful. This student is not a particular fan of American food. He made comments joking about his poor cooking skills but that he still prefers his cooking over American food. Using some ingredients from

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