
Personal Identity: A Short Story

Decent Essays

I see high school as a new opportunity to start over and represent myself as a different person. During elementary school, I wished to escape from the shy, quiet personality I was bound to, in hopes that I could be free and show myself as someone new in a different school. I remember when I was in fifth grade, I was lonely, and disliked many people who I met. It seemed as if I didn’t fit in; all of the stereotypes I arranged others into were groups I never cared for. As elementary school finally ended, sixth grade came. I knew that whenever I left sixth grade, I would never be the same again. It was at that school where I picked up the hobby that would change my life forever. It was the first day of school, and so far, it was no better than elementary school. The only difference was that I was older, I had a locker, and I was in a different school with different people. My personality was still the same. I still had no friends, and I never talked too much. The loudest I got was for roll call, when the teacher would ask, in a rather boring voice, “Devin Stone?”, and I replied “Here!” Roll calls were actually something I looked forward to. As I slowly drifted through the day, I daydreamed about going home. It was time for my last class, band. I had signed up to play French horn, only …show more content…

Seventh grade was a new school, and hopefully I could show my true self once and for all. While I was in seventh grade, I made my best friend, made new friends in band, and showed my teachers who I was. Even though I stayed focused at academics, band was still most important to me. With region tryouts coming up, I knew I had play well in order to make it in. I played the music, but I could have done better and practiced even harder. I try not to regret the mistakes I make, even though I can still feel a pull in my heart, telling me that I should have tried harder. I missed making regions by one

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