
Personal Identity In My Life

Decent Essays

I’ve lived my life according to the saying “why fit in when you were born to stand out;” therefore, I’ve made a point to differentiate myself from my peers and my family. In my community, I belonged to the 3.65% of people who identify as part of the Other category in my home town. As a white girl in a Hispanic town, I was an outlier from the rich Hispanic Culture. This defined my life from a young age and directed me to learn to thrive while standing out. At home, I was raised in a household where at the end of the day we would congregate around the TV to watch the latest football game. Although I adore spending time with my family, I would rather read than breathe; my family does not relate to that. These circumstances, albeit sometimes daunting due to their secluding side effects, have allowed me to embrace being unique and to capitalize on my individuality to achieve my goals, in a world where I may have otherwise gone unnoticed. I was born and raised in Laredo, Texas, a medium sized town located just north of the Mexican Border. 96% of the residents identify as Hispanic, which leaves me in the 4% Other category. I was born and raised in Laredo most of my life, however when I was four my family and I moved to Miami, Florida, due to my dad’s job as a border patrol agent. A mix of missing home and a fear of hurricanes caused us to pack our bags and relocate back to Laredo in 2007. Even though I was born there, the three year separation and the fact that I didn’t

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