I met with my colleague earlier this week and she asked if it was ok with me to facilitate the substance abuse group on Mondays, instead of the relapse prevention group on Wednesdays. She said this will help me to become more knowledgeable about the street drugs and there effects on the body. I told her I didn’t mine taking over the substance abuse group at all. In the substance abuse group the facilitator usually have discussions on but not limited to the different types of illicit drugs on the street and the physical and psychological effects on the human body. The different routes of entry to the body and how long it stays in the body is discussed as well.
The difference between the substance abuse group and the relapse prevention group is the information discussed. The substance abuse group is more informative but the relapse prevention group is gear towards motivation and skill development. I have been working on discharges and discharge summaries for the past few days. A discharge report and summary takes me approximately half hour to complete depending on the presenting problems of the client.
At the Open Door Program when a client doesn’t show up for treatment within thirty days, after the counselor contact the client via phone or mail about missing treatment within the thirty days period. If the client doesn’t respond within a reasonable time (in a week or two). The client is discharged from the program as “lost of contact” and their discharge information is
At the beginning of my training, I was hesitant to work with people struggling with addiction. However, at this point, I am excited to begin working with this population. The raw honesty presented in the group setting along with the anger at the possibility of losing a safe place created a dynamic I wanted to further explore. Research supports that individuals attending group therapy in a 12 step program format succeed if they have the proper support and motivation (Cite). The group dynamic demonstrated that recovery takes time and self-discovery, similar to other situations dealt with in therapy. Subsequently, by using my sense of self and humor with clients struggling with addiction, I can help them in their journey. Furthermore, the client needs to identify accountability at their own pace in the process and not when others dictate. This knowledge and the personalization of addiction will aid me in the future support of my
Having correct information will mean all entries are up to date and it will avoid any double-bookings or clashes.
Like I said in my mid-way point journal entry, I feel that the book took a while to pull me in. I would also like to note that in the second half of the book, which I count is after the sixteenth chapter about to be the seventeenth chapter, I am being pulled in very fast. Lewis jumps right out and does not start with a small issue, such as an argument between the man and his mother. He creates very difficult situations that the man has to be careful of or he will fall into the temptation of Wormwood and join the dark side. Later, I will go more in depth with some of the big issues at hand in this book.
1. (Outliers) Page 19-20: Biologists often talk about the “ecology” of an organism: the tallest oak in the forest is the tallest not just because it grew from the hardiest acorn; it is the tallest also because no other trees blocked its sunlight, the soil around it was deep and rich, no rabbit chewed through its bark as a sapling, and no lumberjack cut it down before it matured. 2. (Outliers) Page 17: If you have ability, the vast network of hockey scouts and talent spotters will find you, and if you are willing to work to develop that ability, the system will reward you. Success in hockey is based on individual merit—and both of those words are important. Players are judged on their own performance, not on
3.2. – Explain the purpose of using diary systems to plan and co-ordinate activities and resources
This all started after my dad’s funeral, I was about to leave the gloomy cemetery when I was told by this crazy nut job, that grabbed me and told me that I was going to die. If I don’t stay low for the next 365 days of my life, I thought he was crazy a week ago, but I’m starting to believe him. So far my farther has died somehow and now people after, my life is so hard as I’m still as I’m devastated but I have to watch my back
Reading and Writing is something that is done without even thinking about it, to me it is like a natural instinct that one just has developed over the years. I was surprised with my reading and writing log because I would have never expected to read and write as much as it shows in my daily log that I had to keep for a week. I noticed that I tend to divide my reading and writing into three categories such as school, leisure and work. During the writing diary assignment I had to also keep track of the format I used to read and write. This log showed me that I tend to do about the same amount of use of electronic and physical formats.
They have access to skilled staff members and other supportive program participants, making the process of recovery more amiable. Once the detoxification process is complete, the person is ready to work on addressing their underlying issues. Working through these issues during short term inpatient rehab helps prevent them from resurfacing after treatment is complete. The program participant can expect individual counseling sessions as well as group therapy during their time in treatment. Upon completion of their drug rehab program, the graduate has a clearer perspective on their life and how to maintain their
I was waiting. Being taken to a place I didn’t know took a while. We stopped often to check papers. Everywhere they took me they stopped to check papers which took hours. Then the patriots take me as a prisoner to the local authorities. I knew it wasn 't going to be good. The authorities believed I was an emigrant and had to be sent to Paris. I was shocked. I knew they were doing this on purpose. I tried explaining that they’re wrong over and over but they only used violence. They slapped me around until I couldn’t talk anymore. They started to understand my position and who i was. They put me in the carriage again. The ride would be long and slow. The patriots forced me to pay for being taken to the capital because they were “protecting” me. I later on heard a man’s scream. He was explaining that the property of emigrants are taken by the Republic and not returned. I knew this wasn 't going to be an easy day. As I passed through the area 's, many stared at me with evil faces. Many stated that they wanted to kill me. I knew I didn’t do anything wrong but I was treated as a prisoner. They explained that I now have no rights because I’m an emigrant. I was wondering how I went from a traveler to an immigrant to a prisoner. Was this the end of my life? Would I really be rotting in this prison? I was alone in the cell. I started panicking. I
In addition, clients are afforded the opportunity to bring up issues or concerns that relate to treatment. In other words, clients have the opportunity to file a written grievance. The grievance must be given to the client’s therapist or to the Clinical Director. The Clinical Director must respond to the grievance within three days. Also, clients must complete client satisfaction surveys and rate his or her experience during treatment. Clients fill out the satisfaction survey during the discharge process.
1. Describe what you did. This does not mean that you copy and paste from what you have posted or the assignments you have prepared. You need to describe what you did and how you did it.
I kept a five-day journal and it was not interesting at all. I never really had any stressful days. I usually don’t have very many stressful days. I always say it is because I am a very calm person and go with the flow. I worked three of those days and everything was smoothly. A couple weeks ago this would have been a great assignment because I was so overwhelmed with work, school and take care of my three year- old grandson. I noticed that if anybody bothered me my stress level went higher and higher. What I ended up doing the last couple days of that week before my assignments where do each day I set my schedule to just work on school work for four hours and no more and I chose not to work on those days. By doing that the stress level went
The day of appointments if a client is a no-show, I do a follow up call for documentation however, after that second contact I leave the responsibility to the client to call me back and reschedule the appointment. If the client does another no show then I proceed with the discharge process unless I’m notified by the client within 10 days of me starting the discharge process.
One of the best things I've done in my life is that I've constantly kept a dream journal. When I was only 14, I became interested in what dreams meant and ever since then I've taken my dreams very seriously. I use my dreams to help me understand what is going on in my life and what I need to do going forward. If you are not currently keeping a record of your dreams, let me list the reasons why you should take this dream journal challenge and start!
I was increasingly glad for having kept a dream journal. It hadn’t been easy at the beginning, but I quickly got accustomed to it.