
Personal Journal Entry

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I met with my colleague earlier this week and she asked if it was ok with me to facilitate the substance abuse group on Mondays, instead of the relapse prevention group on Wednesdays. She said this will help me to become more knowledgeable about the street drugs and there effects on the body. I told her I didn’t mine taking over the substance abuse group at all. In the substance abuse group the facilitator usually have discussions on but not limited to the different types of illicit drugs on the street and the physical and psychological effects on the human body. The different routes of entry to the body and how long it stays in the body is discussed as well.
The difference between the substance abuse group and the relapse prevention group is the information discussed. The substance abuse group is more informative but the relapse prevention group is gear towards motivation and skill development. I have been working on discharges and discharge summaries for the past few days. A discharge report and summary takes me approximately half hour to complete depending on the presenting problems of the client.
At the Open Door Program when a client doesn’t show up for treatment within thirty days, after the counselor contact the client via phone or mail about missing treatment within the thirty days period. If the client doesn’t respond within a reasonable time (in a week or two). The client is discharged from the program as “lost of contact” and their discharge information is

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