
Personal Journal: Pursuing Life Goals

Decent Essays

Albarran, Jema. Session1. Journal.

Life events rarely make memorable landmarks, that help determine your future and how to pursue life goals. However, in this very season of life I find myself consumed by the idea of fulfilling my purpose as God intended it. The life altering event of taking on a pastorate, brings everything into a new perspective. Bearing in mind that now there is a congregation I must give accounts for, makes me rethink life as I knew it. I am compelled to become as scholarly equipped as my mind can handle. My life has undertaken a reboot, and God’s mercy helps me perceive, and I P-U-S-H (pray until something happens) until God gives the answer.

One year ago, my husband and I, were given a pastorate. One that my father in law and mother in law nurtured from infancy. I easily took for granted every new comer that came through our doors, and every late-night call they rushed to answer. I was a child in spirit, only wanting to be fed and nurtured. However, from the young age of twelve, I was told that one day I would become a pastor’s wife, I remember laughing and saying: “well that will be a while!”. And yet, here we are. Now with new eyes, I see the arduous work it takes, the unseen battles in spirit, the tears and depression that come knocking. But we find comfort in Psalm 91: Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Highest will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the …show more content…

Truly the desire to learn more about the “bible”-its history, its origins, its authors, fuels me to attain my goals at Colorado Christian University. I am certain that this season of life and its experiences will aid me to become as studious as I can. Attempting to retain all the information I read will perhaps be the most difficult task, but in know that Gods mercy will carry me on to

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