
Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

Around Thanksgiving of 6th Grade, my grandma’s caner recurred, and something

new caught my eye. My mom had inherited a grey-haired, maple wood piano from my

great aunt and uncle, and on this particular day, in the heart of November, I sat down on

this piano’s decrepit bench. I gazed longingly at its glossy keys, listening to the soft

creaks of wood, gently swaying my feet, and I relaxed. It felt familiar, in a sense that I

was supposed to be there, and I wondered if I would be any good at playing it. I

imagined myself, tapping out a tune on this piano someday, and I just knew. I knew that

I would be sitting on this bench more often.

As I sat myself there, on the bench, I remembered playing on this exact piano

with my mom, my …show more content…

My grandma really wanted my sisters and I to take up laying it, as she was the

one who orchestrated the arrival of the piano to our home, and she was even willing to

pay for our lessons. It was then that I decided I wanted to play.

When I told my parents about my decision, they welcomed me with a hug.

“I think that I want to start playing the piano” I stated nervously.

“Really?” my mom questioned excitedly.

“Yeah. I have been interested in the piano for a while now” I responded, smiling.

“That is great news! We should get you some lessons!” My dad decided, and

with that, they told my grandma posthaste. Like I imagined, my grandmother was over

the moon, and, she and my parents set up lessons for me the ensuing moth. My

teacher was to be Mrs. Ewell, and she taught the lessons at her home, which added …show more content…

Taking up an instrument really required a lot of practice, which

took away from my homework time, and brought with it many consequences, but he

benefits overpowered them. Also, it was not just my learning rate that brought about

such great experiences; it was that I had so much fun. Mrs. Elwell made me laugh, and

I had a wondrous time for a half an hour, every Thursday evening. But, it was then that

my grandma’s cancer recurred, imprisoning her behind the hospital’s walls.

My mom and I took it very hard, but the hospital would not let my sisters and I

see my grandma, as she was in the ICU, and it was too much of a risk. I continued

playing piano, and right around Christmas, my grandma left the hospital to spend her

final days at home. It was then that I stated to make her videos of me playing

Christmas songs, and she absolutely loved them, so I continued to make the videos.

But now, even though she is gone, I still continue to play. I sit upon the bench on

a regular basis, and I will for long, long time. Playing piano has changed me for the

better, and has taught me that listening to your heart is always the wiser choice. I am

so thankful for that one day, in the middle of November, when I sat down on the

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