
Personal Narrative: A Career In The Workplace

Satisfactory Essays

I’ve never been the type of person who was able to envision where they were going to be in the future. Quite frankly, it’s one of my biggest weaknesses (man, I really hope no potential employers are reading this). I guess I just always wanted to wait and see where life would eventually lead me. While success is important to me, I never wanted to take a second thought of how exactly I was going to get there. I've always been this way. So when the Leadership Institute started, I honestly wasn't expecting to get much out of it. Some extra money and some job experience. That's it. Thats really all I thought I was getting into. WELL BOY, LEMME TELL YA, as the seven weeks come to an end, I'm realizing that I'm walking away with lessons, new connections, and a newfound love for our city that I'll carry with me for the rest of my life. …show more content…

In all of my years here, from kids and adults alike, I’ve only ever heard negative things about this city. Words like “ghetto” (most recently replaced by “ratchet”), to “boring”, to being told to get out as soon as I can because “there isn’t anything for me to accomplish here”. And for a long time, I agreed with all of it. It wasn’t until I started to feel ok with my hometown. Yet, these past seven weeks have really opened my eyes to what Worcester really has to offer. I’ve been able to explore and learn about parts of Worcester that I’ve never really given a chance, and as a result, I’ve developed a love for this city that I don’t think I would’ve discovered if it weren’t for this program.

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