
Personal Narrative: A Day At Cascade Middle School

Decent Essays

Every sunny day I stand up from my annoying clock “BEEP BEEP BEEP”. I turn it off and get ready and hear the clock talking I first think It’s the radio but it’s not. So I came closer to it and it ate everything around even my homework. I thought “what will I say to the teacher”.”She wouldn’t believe me”. Meanwhile, I ate breakfast, Brushed my teeth, and went to my most non-favorite bus stop. At the most non-favorite bus stop everyone was talking about a homework eating clock. I thought “how strange how can a clock eat things”? Then the bus came. I think to myself I will figure out what happened with the clocks later. At Cascade Middle School in Math class my teacher Mrs.Picconi said “Give me the homework that was due today”. Only three …show more content…

I found out that by the alarm button was a smaller one named eat. I fixed the problem by taking out some screws. The next day I spread the word in school that I know how to fix the clock for 5 bucks. By the end of the day the school knew that, and more than 20 kids have asked me to fix the clocks. By the end of next day I fixed 132 clocks and got 760 dollars. I was super happy. That day I bought a lot of the things I wanted, but then I remembered that there was school. In 3 days my grades went from A’s to C’s and D’s. When my parents saw my grades, they got me grounded for 2 months. During that time everything I bought was taken away until I got my grades back …show more content…

I was walking to my bus stop and then I saw them all that chased me from a bush. I didn’t know what to do so I crossed two streets and was at another bus stop where there were fewer kids. On the bus they were all sitting in the front of me. I was getting off the bus when I heard “there he is” and I knew they were talking about me. I ran as fast as I can into the building and into the classroom. After school, I got chased but, this time I stopped running and the kids caught up to me and one of them asked for refund. I told him that I didn’t have any, but he gave me an idea of what to do about it. So at home I went to Walmart and bought a lot of fake 5 dollar bills that looked exactly the same as the original. The next day I gave everyone one that i owed money for the clock.the next day was Saturday and in the morning I broke my clock and bought a new one from the money I had. The problem for me was my grades but I got the grades back to A’s and I became very popular in school and everything started to go good. Finally, everyone had two problems except for me. Their problems were homework eating clocks and that the 5 dollar bills were really just fake money that I gave but they will find that

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