
Personal Narrative Analysis

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Ethan’s apartment was unlike any other she had seen. It was a small studio apartment, but the entire space was a giant piece of art. Graffiti decorated the walls, with canvases that depicted beautiful portraits of different scenes were scattered throughout. Small clay statues decorated most surfaces, with other smaller canvases lying around on the small spaces in between the statues. His kitchen counter was an entire outdoor scene of a family having a picnic. One smaller canvas caught her attention it was flipped upside down on the kitchen table and she had to do a double take as she realized that she could read the title that was on the back. It was titled Fallen Angel and was dated February 11, 2013, the day after she died. Before she knew …show more content…

Let your nails dry and then go put your outfit on. When you’re done I’ll double check your makeup, Kelsey should be here in fifteen minutes so try to be ready by then.” As she spoke Mary was walking out of the bathroom taking the curling iron with her. Angela stared at her nails, willing for them to dry faster if only so she didn’t have to be sitting in front of the bathroom mirror doing nothing. While she waited she thought about her date for the night. It was with Ben’s childhood friend Derek, she had met him once at a party and he apparently had asked about her. Ben gave him a glowing recommendation, which Kelsey had passed onto Mary, who had decided to say yes to a date on behalf of Angela who had been left out of the entire process. She didn’t remember much of Derek, he had been tall she knew that, and had seemed nice for the two minutes that she had talked to him. She remembered him being very popular with the ladies; they kept coming up and talking to him. She also remembered that Mary kept nudging her in the ribs, telling her how despite all the female attention he was receiving Derek kept looking back to …show more content…

Standing up, she scrunched her face up as she looked at herself in the mirror. Mary was a magician when it came to makeup; she had contoured Angela’s face to give it sharper features, and made the small amount of green in her eyes pop with the eye shadow that she used. Somehow she had managed to hide all of Angela’s flaws and highlight her best qualities, yet still make sure that she looked like herself. Walking into the bedroom she removed her T-shirt and Yoga pants and started to get dressed in the outfit that Mary had laid out when there was a knock at the door. “I got it! I got it! You just finish getting ready!” Mary ran for the door and quickly opening it before dragging Kelsey into the room and slamming the door behind her. “He’s going to be here in ten minutes, are you ready?” Kelsey asked. “Oh please, I thought she was rushed for time, if he’s going to be here in ten then A here has at least twenty to finish getting ready. You gotta make them wait at least a little bit on the first date.” Mary told them, wiggling her eyebrows slightly. “I’ll be ready in ten, I’m not going to make him wait.” Angela replied, rolling her eyes as she struggled to get the boots on. “You’re no fun A.” Mary pouted as she walked into the bathroom and grabbed the foundation and eye shadow palette. “Look up.” She commanded as she started to add slight touches of eye shadow to the underside of Angela’s

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