
Personal Narrative: Bodybuilding Strength

Decent Essays

Last weekend, I was at the Tupelo Wellness Center gym on the treadmill when I overheard two men having a conversation about bodybuilding. At first, I thought they were talking about pro wrestling where all the moves are predetermined like the wrestlers are performing in a theatrical way. Then, I later realized that the men were referring to a bodybuilding competition. When I first arrived at the gym, I noticed this short, muscular man walking in the front doors of the gym. I recognized the man as a personal trainer and part-time firefighter named Tyler. I thought he was quite peculiar because his skin was very dark, but I knew he had on self-tanner. Usually, men do not wear self-tanner, a cream that turns the skin a darker color. Now, when …show more content…

Tyler started his trainee by a five minute light jog on the treadmill. His trainee asked him what he did over the weekend, which Tyler explained that he went to a local bodybuilding competition. Then, Tyler joked about how his tan made him look like an Oompa Loompa from Charlie and the chocolate factory. After I went to the gym, I checked my Facebook and noticed that one of my friends from high school went to the same body competition that Tyler was talking about. It turned out that my friend, Conner, won the competition! On further investigation, I saw a video on a real body competition. The video was quite distributing. The first problem that jumped out to me was the appearances of the men in the competition. All the constants skins were dark and greasy. When the men had to flex their muscles into awkward poses, some grunted as if they were in pain. After watching the distributing video, I thought about the constants in the competition. I personally know the struggle of transforming the human body into shape. In the eleventh grade, I decided to lose weight. I went from 160 to 125 pounds in 8 months. I ate healthy meals such as chicken and fish with plenty of vegetables and fruits. Losing weight was a challenging process. I remembered for 5 months straight I would walk 30 minutes on the treadmill every day. I was scared that I would gain huge masculine muscles. So, I was strictly a cardio girl with little to no resistance training because

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