
Personal Narrative-Book Romance

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Everyone woman wants a story book romance, the ones portrayed in Hallmark movies, and I am no different. After my husband passed I couldn’t bare the thought of looking at another man. I know he would support my search for a new companion but my morals shouted “wrong!” whenever my eye would wander. Six lonely years later I woke up to a PING, an email from my best friend, Christina, it was a flyer for an anonymous singles mixer. For once in those daunting six years I felt hope. Thoroughly scanning the email I caught the date, time, and location; The New Orleans Perk 7PM March 6th. Furiously I typed an email to the nanny asking her to stay later to watch Damion so I would be able to attend the mixer. Weeks passed and the excitement as well as nerves built up. Then the day came, March 6th. I did up my hair, applied the Candy Apple Red to my lips, through on my heals that perfectly coincided with my lip color, and gracefully dashed out the door. I pulled up to The Perk, nervously fumbled around in my clutch for the lip color to reapply without thought that this was an anonymous mixer and that I wouldn’t be seen by the men I would be encountering that evening. I walked up to the building where a hand written sign instructed me to stroll to the back of the coffee house and to the back door. Here there were two entrances, a door for …show more content…

I didn’t want to seem too eager but multiple times I had an email to Nathan typed out then proceeded to delete it. I continued to write and rewrite that email for two straight days. Finally I got the courage to send it and I got an instant response as though he was patiently perched by this laptop, waiting. PING his email read “Hey there I have been waiting for you to contact me.” My heart beat sped. The sound was like a drummer pounding rapidly. Ten thousand responses fluttered around in my mind. I thought to myself, what if I say the wrong thing, what if he doesn’t reply, what

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