
Personal Narrative Essay : Finding Love : The Love Of Love

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To be chosen is an amazing feeling – there is something intoxicating about being chosen by someone romantically. You share everything and you are that person’s life.
It started out like an ordinary tale – boy and girl as neighbours who met, talked, hanged-out, helped each other out and became friends, like every other teenager. Till we realized there is something between us. In a nutshell, we shared a chemistry that was palpable to people around us. She was an amazing girl who brought the best in myself. She was like the sun shining in my life.
Sadly, parental disapproval took us apart. The longing of lost love can be agonisingly hurting. I continued to live in the past and romanticized every next day, making it impossible to move on. It felt like bleeding for something I believed in with my life.
Slowly, and with time, I learnt losing love is just another way of finding love for myself. And I started doing things which I liked doing, taking long walks, running, reading, and so much more. It also became an opportunity for me to try to something new – travelling. Steadily life was normal again. I started to talk to friends, hanging out with colleagues, participate in the office chit-chat. The feeling of being lost and unhappy was gone, except for the occasional overwhelmed feeling.
One beautiful afternoon, around the Outer Circle of New Delhi’s Connaught Place, I stood outside a restaurant waiting for my friends. My eyes opened wide suddenly and I saw her… I saw her

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