
Picture Analysis

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People tend to hold onto objects because it reminds them of an important past or significant people whom they received it from. There are countless items people hold onto, one of mine is a picture of me and my siblings. Although the photo is flat and meaningless to some people, in my perspective, there is an immense depth and value to to the actual object. This picture, which illustrates what appears to be me and my siblings having a good time, demonstrates the love I have for them. Looking back a the time when this photo took place, everyone, even those who were not in the photo, was happy. My choir friends and I were in Northern California for a choral competition in spring of 2016 and my conductor, Mr. McCullough, decided to take a trip to San Francisco because we had some free time. Considering my older sister, April, whom I have not seen in a while goes to school about twenty minutes away from there, we decided to meet up with her. Since my siblings and I were finally all together again, nothing could have gone wrong; the weather was perfect, not too hot, not too cold and the view of the city was absolutely amazing. My siblings and I were bonding about who-knows-what now and our friend, Steven, decided to capture that moment by taking a picture on his phone. The picture shows my siblings laughing and me pointing a my brother. At the time of the moment, we were all just having fun, talking amongst ourselves, but when when we saw the photo, we got even happier because

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