
Personal Narrative: How Gashora Girls Academy Has Changed My Life

Decent Essays

Sometimes in life it is better to take your time and look back and meditate on yourself. Last night, I tried to rung back into my life. I have found that I am not what I have done, but what I have overcome. I have learned many things Gashora Girls Academy, and they have changed my life. Before I come in Gashora Girls Academy, I was such shy and low esteem person. I was that kind of person who always thought that I can not do anything in public. I could not even stand up in the class and say hello. Gashora Girls Academy has changed all of these characters. When I stepped in Gashora, I found that it is a place unless you have or possess that skill of expressing her ideas and convincing people about them you get nothing. On the first day I came,

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